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razmik sargsyan

🧑🏻‍🎓 I am a mental health educator, and I love helping individuals and organizations revolutionize their personal and professional potential with evidence-based methods
🧑‍💻 I am a public relations and digital marketing consultant helping my clients build mutually beneficial and meaningful relationships with their publics of interest.


I specialize in public relations writing & research, digital marketing (SEO, SMM, SEM), digital analytics, strategy, podcasting and other forms of digital audience acquisition and management.

I hold a Master of Mass Communication degree and have been a Fulbright Scholar at Arizona State University, Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, one of the leading journalism schools in the U.S..

I have 9 years of experience and have worked with corporate, non-profit, government, international and academy-level clients and employers in the US, Sweden and Armenia.

I am fluent in English, Armenian, Swedish and Russian.

-Click here to find samples of my previous work and free resources.


After years of exploring numerous scientifically validated approaches to psychology, mental health and personal development, I have arrived at what I know to be a complete and real paradigm shift in terms of how we experience every aspect of life.

Inner radical change doesn't come from effort, it comes from understanding. I take people to the source of their perception. We see truths beyond belief and effortlessly rise from there.

I work with evidence-based and fundamental principles, not a script or a program. I'm not interested in temporarily improving your life or business. I change lives. I know how the power of the principles I share because I experienced it myself and see it happening every week, beyond labels and irrespective of where you are.

My curriculum is not pre-meditated, because you are my material and my program is in your speaking. Know this - miracles are real because they are nothing more than radical shifts in perception. What you seek is only one thought away.

-Book an introductory free-of-charge call.
-Check out the Brand New Thought podcast and listen to conversations with coaches and mental health educators around the world.


- We all have powerful innate health and wisdom. It is only one thought away.

- We live in a world is infinite possibilities.

- We are made to thrive and extend loving intentions.

- Beautiful feelings hold wisdom.

- Communication is creation.

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